Child Development Activities

we offer a wide range of engaging activities that promote physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and creative development. 

mmss kids craft table

Physical Activities

Gross motor activities are essential for building physical strength, developing motor skills, and improving overall coordination and body control in children. 

  • Outdoor play: Engaging in physical activities such as running, jumping, and playing on playground equipment. 
  • Climbing structures: Exploring climbing structures to enhance coordination and body awareness.
  • Group games: Involving running, hopping, throwing, or catching, promoting teamwork and motor skills. 
Locations:  Outdoor Play Area, Bisset Park, Silverberry Park, Ravines, Destination Field Trips & more.

Fine motor activities help children develop precise finger movements, hand control, and hand-eye coordination. 

  • Manipulating objects: Activities that involve handling and manipulating objects, such as building with blocks, threading beads, or using tweezers.
  • Puzzles: Solving puzzles with varying levels of difficulty to enhance problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and spatial awareness.
  • Arts and crafts: Engaging in activities like drawing, coloring, cutting, and pasting to develop fine motor control and creativity.
  • Sensory play: Exploring materials like playdough, sand, or water to stimulate the senses and enhance fine motor skills.

Cognitive Skills

The advancement of a child’s intellectual abilities, problem-solving skills, and understanding of the world, while engaging in activities that promote critical thinking, reasoning, and knowledge acquisition. These activities help in the development of mental processes and the ability to process information, make connections, and solve complex problems, such as:

  • Sensorial activities: Children explore materials that stimulate their senses, including tactile, visual, auditory, and olfactory experiences.
  • Problem-solving activities: Puzzles, shape sorting, and age-appropriate games encourage critical thinking, logic, and reasoning skills.
  • Language development: Storytelling, reading, and language-rich environments promote vocabulary, communication, and literacy skills.
mmss kids hands up
mmss kids-social intelligence

Social Intelligency

Social and Emotional Development through experiences and interactions that support the development of social skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to navigate relationships effectively. These activities aim to foster positive social interactions, empathy, self-awareness, and emotional regulation.

  • Cooperative play: Children participate in group activities, role-playing, and collaborative projects to develop social skills, empathy, and teamwork.
  • Emotional intelligence activities: Through discussions, art, and guided reflection, children are encouraged to express themselves, regulate emotions, and develop empathy.
  • Building relationships: Opportunities are provided for positive interactions, sharing, and the development of friendships within a supportive environment.

Creative Play-time

Helps the growth of a child’s imaginative and artistic abilities, encouraging self-expression, exploration, and the development of creativity. These activities foster creativity, enhance rhythm, coordination, and self-confidence, while providing opportunities for the exploration of different art forms. 

  • Artistic expression: Children engage in activities such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and imaginative play, fostering creativity, self-expression, and exploration.
  • Music and movement: Dancing, singing, and playing musical instruments enhance rhythm, coordination, and self-confidence.

Creative development allows children to tap into their imagination and develop a sense of individuality and artistic expression.


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Personalized Enrichment

Our Personalized Enrichment program offers an individualized approach to complement and enhance our core curriculum, tailoring the learning experience to each child. Through art, music, language, physical education, and more,  we help children explore their interests, develop talents, and discover new passions. 

Our dedicated team of specialists provide engaging lessons and activities tailored to each child’s unique needs and potential. With this added personalization, we ensure an enriched educational journey that nurtures the individuality and growth of every child.

Hear from happy parents

“Best place to start the preschool education for the little ones. Provides homeworks and feedback regularly. I strongly recommend.”

- Ajitha Koushik
(Toddler care)

“I’ve had the pleasure of sending 2 of my children from 12 months old all the way through to OSC care up to grade 3 and pre-school. I made a surprise visit when first considering this daycare and they served healthy veggie snacks and the director was also hands on & they gladly gave me the grand tour. I was lucky there was no waiting list at the time either. Their pricing is competitive and, I dare say more affordable than some others. .”

- Cheryl Chan
(PreSchool & OSC)

“I really recommend this place for preschoolers who are going for kindergarten because they have well structured lesson plans to improve their skills and knowledge.Teacher who is assigned for this program was awesome. My son really loves to go there.”

- Jomy Mathai

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